The Esmil Group offers a range of additional equipment for primary and secondary clarifiers, which helps improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment. Esmil clarifiers equipment can be supplied as a set of the listed components for new facilities, as well as for the modernization of already commissioned equipment. The latter option not only enhances the reliability of the equipment, improves treatment performance, and reduces the number of maintenance staff but also reduces capital costs that are inevitable with a full equipment replacement.
Motor-wheel or electric drive wheel
An energy-efficient solution that stands out for its compactness, ease of maintenance, and high durability. It reduces operational costs (lower energy consumption due to the low power of the motor – only 0.37 kW, low oil consumption) and ensures the reliability of the equipment under harsh operating conditions (low and high temperatures, high humidity, dust, limited space, etc.).
Central drive
Ensures the movement of the clarifiers’s working part (scrapers) without slippage during the winter period. The use of a central drive allows the abandonment of the current collector and drive trolley, while reducing costs for cleaning the overflow channel edge. This equipment is easy to operate and requires minimal attention from the maintenance personnel. The use of a central drive design is the most rational solution in cases where the installation of enclosed, stationary covers over the clarifier is planned to reduce the spread of unpleasant odors from the open clarifier surface, as well as for steel reservoirs where the design of the clarifier walls does not allow the use of peripheral drive scrapers.
A solution for improving the quality of wastewater treatment and reducing operational costs. To create optimal settling conditions in the operation of the clarifier, it is essential to ensure uniform flow of radial water currents. V-Notched Weirs allow for an even distribution of hydraulic load across the entire length of the water collection trough, eliminating areas of intense water discharge that lead to an increased carryover of suspended solids from the clarifier. The launders are made of high-quality stainless steel AISI 304 and 316, which do not require waterproofing work or costly repairs, unlike concrete troughs. Stainless steel troughs are easy and quick to install, reducing clarifier installation costs. Additionally, the configuration of launder placement can be modified, for example, launders with dual overflows can be installed. The use of notched overflow launders significantly reduces operational costs for the company.
Semi-submerged circular shields for floating substance retention
They protect wastewater treatment facilities from grease, petroleum products, and floating debris. The manufacture of semi-submerged shields from corrosion-resistant stainless steel grades AISI 304 and 316 enhances their operational properties, while the simple design facilitates easy installation.