Roller Press JD


JD Roller Press is an optimal solution for mechanical dewatering of wastewater sludge with high mineral content from municipal treatment stations, industrial, agricultural and food enterprises.

JD Roller Press is an optimal solution for mechanical dewatering of wastewater sludge with high mineral content from municipal treatment stations, industrial, agricultural and food enterprises.

  • Reliable dewatering high mineral content sludge without abrasive wear and jamming
  • High dewatering efficiency of various types of sludge
  • Trouble-free for fats and oils’ high content sludge
  • Resistance to corrosion due to the use of stainless steel and high-strength plastic
  • Maintenance and operation simplicity

Scope of application of Roller Press JD:

  • Dewatering of sludge from small and medium-sized municipal wastewater treatment plants;
  • Food industry (dairy, meat, fish, beer and many others);
  • Biogas complexes;Textile and tannery industry;
  • Cosmetics, pharmaceutical industries;
  • Semiconductor and automobile factories;
  • Pulp-and-paper and woodworking industries;
  • Other types of high mineral content sludge origins.

Dewatering efficiency of JD Roller Press:

  • JD Roller press efficiently dewaters different kinds of sludges with wide range of sludge concentration (0.5~5%).
  • Cake dryness depends on sludge water release properties and can reach even up to 30%.
  • Reliable solution for dewatering of sludge with high mineral content (~ 60%).

Advantages and Effective Technical Solutions of JD Dewatering Press:

  • Possibility of dewatering sludge with a low organic content, high content of abrasive particles, fibers, fats, oils and petroleum products.Reliable operation without abrasive wear and jamming, no problems even with large debris due to reverse mode.
  • The distance between the rows of the upper and lower rollers is at least 50 mm, which allows working with sludge with large and fibrous inclusions without clogging the main dewatering unit with cake.
  • Self-cleaning rollers design eliminates clogging problems and the need to shut down equipment to clean the filter surface.
  • The self-cleaning effect of the filter pores eliminates the need for rinsing water.
  • The equipment consumes significantly less energy than other dewatering systems.
  • The total nominal power of the drives of the main dewatering unit is up to 1.8 kW.
  • The press has a compact and closed design, which requires small installation space and high ventilation costs.
  • Low operation costs.
  • Reduced capital construction costs are already at the initial stage.JD Disc Press

Simplicity, Reliability and Ease of Operation JD Roller Press:

  • Low speed of rotation of the rollers (up to 1.5 rpm), and as a result, absence of noise and vibration during the operation of the assembly.
  • No wear of main components and no need of bearings replacement due to rollers’ low rotation speed.
  • Simple maintenance can be performed by local personnel without special training.
  • Quick access to the main units of the assembly.
  • Protection against incorrect process settings and overflows.
  • Superior and logical flocculation adjustment due to easy access to the process tank
  • Electrical overload protection.
  • Electrical surge protection.
  • Convenient ergonomics (quick release covers).
  • Simplified access to drive maintenance.
  • Advanced automation: Various modes and algorithms of work, synchronization of the dewatering complex with other equipment of treatment facilities.
  • Built-in sludge conditioning (flocculation) system that does not require additional pieces of equipment and tanks.


Multi-Disk Dehydrator JD

Long Service Life Due To:

  • JD Roller Press casing is made of AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless steel.
  • Mandatory anti-corrosive treatment: volume etching and passivation by special means.
  • Use of heavy-duty chains to transfer rotation between driving and driven rollers.
  • Roller material is epoxy-based wear-resistant plastic and stainless steel.
  • The shafts on which the rollers are mounted are made of special extra-strong stainless steel.

Technical characteristics of Disc Press JD

Dry matter capacity, kg-DS/h
6 - 427
Liquid sludge capacity, m3/h0.4 – 25
Total motor output, kWup to 3.5
Dehydration rollers width, mm250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and 2000
Dehydration rollers number, pcs.14 - 20
Standard rotation speed of the rollers, rpm.0.25 - 1.5
Maximum overall dimensions (L×W×H), m
4.2 × 2.6 × 2.2
Maximum weight (dry), kg5500

How do I know which dehydrator to use – JD Roller Press or MDQ Multi-Disc Screw Dehydrator?

a) JD Roller Press is used when the dewatered sludge is highly mineralized (inorganic content is up to 60%) and initial dry solids concentration is 2% or higher b) When the sediment contains relatively large solid, abrasive or fibrous inclusions (straw, fibers, particles of animal origin, etc.), high fat concentration.

How often should the rollers be replaced?

Rollers are replaced as they wear out. Typically, critical wear of rollers occurs after 5 to 7 years of operation. The replacement can be made without involving the manufacturer's representatives.

Do press need a lot of space for installation and operation?

Presses do not require large space with high capital costs, they can be even installed in container wastewater treatment plants and mobile units.

Esmil Group

Esmil Group stands as a premier global manufacturer, crafting cutting-edge equipment for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. Additionally, we specialize in delivering advanced membrane systems tailored to various industries.

EU Flag Esmil Group

Equipment for Wastewater Treatment & Sludge Dewatering.

EU Flag Esmil America

Equipment for Sludge Dewatering in the USA.

EU Flag Esmil Process Systems

Membrane Systems.