Case study: Brown’s Bay Packing Company (Campbell River, BC, Canada)

TYPE OF INDUSTRY – Fish processing
MODEL OF DAF-UNIT – FT-20Z with static mixer


The customer was looking for the solution to reduce pollutants in wastewater from the fish processing plant, after the FBR advanced oxidation process. Moreover, they were looking for the compact and easy to operate system, with low operating costs.


Based on initial information and theoretical calculations, Esmil in cooperation with our representative in Canada Archer Separation Inc. offered DAF-unit FT-20Z.

Wastewater Sourceseawater with fish farm byproducts
Operating Time16-20 h/day, 3-4 days/week
Flow Rate20-40 m3/h
Feed TSS Concentration800-1200 ppm
Effluent TSS Concentration80-100 ppm

Case Study: Fish Processing Plant (Santiago, Chile)

In 2017 the dissolved air flotation complex for local wastewater treatment of fish processing plant in Los Lagos region had been installed by our partner Aguas Sipra S.A., including such equipment:

  • Fine drum screen RMB TP 6/6,
  • DAF unit FT-25,
  • Tubular flocculator,
  • Saturation system for white water preparing,
  • Pumps for the complex,
  • Automation system for the complex, including control system with sensors.

Esmil DAF-Unit Flotator

Esmil DAF complex has customized design for the particular application. The object’s features required high amounts of dissolved air to be fed into wastewater to tackle high loads of contaminants. The complex’s capacity is 18 m3/h.

The efficiency of the complex is as follows:

Los Lagos, Chilie Project Data

ParametersInput concentration, [mg/L]Efficiency, [%]Output concentration, [mg/L]
Total suspended solids (TSS)6,54195327
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)10,696406,418
Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahi (NTK)72620581
Oil and Grace (O&G)9759098
Dissolved solids (DS)816032

In the result the customer got specially designed wastewater treatment system which is fully solves effluent requirements. In this project Esmil confirms advantages if it’s developed DAF technology, as well as appropriateness of approach to use just the highest quality components available. Equipment operates steady well, which is really important for such a distant projects.


Esmil Group

Esmil Group stands as a premier global manufacturer, crafting cutting-edge equipment for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. Additionally, we specialize in delivering advanced membrane systems tailored to various industries.

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Equipment for Wastewater Treatment & Sludge Dewatering.

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Equipment for Sludge Dewatering in the USA.

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Membrane Systems.