We are pleased to announce that on October 19, 2020 we received a letter of recommendation from our client “Wodociągi Słupsk” Sp. Z o.o.

Thank you very much for your trust!

Wodociągi Slupsk Sp. Z o.o. as the Main Investor of the investment assignment “Supply of an Equipment for dewatering and radial sludge scrapers to the municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant in the city of Slupsk, at the address:  73 Sportova Street, – task No. 2 – Supply of radial sludge scrapers and implementation of necessary construction, erection and installation works” confirms that PRODEKO-EŁK Sp. z o.o. acted as the Main Contractor under the above project in 2017 and carried out the supply, installation and commissioning of the following equipment:

  • Radial sludge scrapers for primary clarifier, D = 34 m – 2 sets.
  • Radial sludge scrapers for secondary clarifier, D = 40 m – 2 sets.

The modification consisted of dismantling of old scrapers, the supply, assembly and putting into operation of the new scrapers, along with commissioning operations and warranty tests.

The installation of the new radial sludge scrapers allowed to solve the problems being experienced and provided a stable and correct technological process, both in the sewer and sludge section. The new Esmil scrapers are characterized by higher operational efficiency and reliability, contributing to the improvement of the balance of primary sludge and excess sludge, and an increase in biogas production together with a decrease in the operating costs of the treatment plants.

PRODEKO-EŁK Sp.z o.o., a member of the Esmil Group, fulfilled the assigned tasks in full scope, confirming its extensive technical experience in the production of equipment for special facilities. We bindingly confirm that PRODEKO-EŁK Sp. z o.o. has the appropriate technical potential, as well as specialized and active personnel to perform assigned projects.

In our opinion, PRODEKO-EŁK Sp. z o. o. is both a manufacturer and a contractor to be recommended to other contractors, looking for suitable and reliable suppliers.

Esmil Group

Esmil Group stands as a premier global manufacturer, crafting cutting-edge equipment for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. Additionally, we specialize in delivering advanced membrane systems tailored to various industries.

EU Flag Esmil Group

Equipment for Wastewater Treatment & Sludge Dewatering.

EU Flag Esmil USA

Equipment for Sludge Dewatering in the USA.

EU Flag Esmil Process Systems

Membrane Systems.