Celebrating Over 3 Years of Successful MDQ Operation in Jamaica!
Esmil MDQ Multi-Disc Screw Press Proves Its Worth at Kingston WWTP! Successfully operating for over three years at the Kingston Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Jamaica, our MDQ multi-disc screw press is[...]
ESMIL mobile dewatering system based on multi-disc screw press MDQ-503C The ESMIL MDQ-503C mobile dewatering system based on three-drum multi-disc screw press ESMIL MDQ-503C comes complete with sludge pump, polymer feeder, mixing[...]
The optimal price-quality ratio, the ability to automate the dewatering complex, high efficiency and low operating costs are the factors that influenced the choice of the Esmil Tsurumi multi-disc screw press dehydrator[...]